
Tanweer Ali is a lecturer with the international programmes at VŠE. He teaches classes in finance and sustainability. His current research interest is in Corporate Governance; he has participated in numerous conferences and published several journal articles and book chapters.

He holds an MA degree in Mathematics from the University of Oxford and the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and FRM (Financial Risk Manager) designations. Before entering academia, Tanweer had a ten-year career in finance, both in the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic. In addition to his teaching work, he has been an active volunteer with the CFA Institute in Virginia, serving in numerous roles for over 20 years. He also established the Czech CFA Society and was its first President. Tanweer has also acted as a board member or advisor for a number of non-profit organizations, especially in the refugee and human rights fields. He currently serves on the board of the Institute for Debt Prevention and Resolution.

Active memberships: Worldwide Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR), CFA Institute, Global Associate of Risk Professionals, Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Sustainable Finance

Natalie Badie is a strategy and sustainability consultant, educator, and PhD Candidate at the Prague University of Economics and Business. She holds a dual degree from the esteemed CEMS Master in International Management (MIM) Programme at VSE and Bocconi University. With her extensive experience in both the startup and corporate sectors, Natalie has developed a deep understanding of various business environments and their unique challenges. Her current research is  focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topics as they relate to the rapidly changing business landscape. She is also a member of the Research team that launched the first Czech Independent ESG Rating.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Green and sustainable ecosystems

Vladimír Hönig works at the Department of Strategy and within the Center for the Economics of Regulated Industries. In his scientific research and teaching activities, he focuses on the circular economy, renewable energy sources, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and the carbon footprint across various fields. He is also a member of the Czech Quality Council and international scientific societies. In his publication activities and research projects, he combines disciplines to achieve comprehensive environmental-economic evaluations.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Carbon footprint strategy and management

Marek is an Associate professor at the Department of Managerial Economics and Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Business Administration. His current research focuses on decision-making, institutional and organizational economics, applied microeconomics, and the history of economic thought. His articles appeared in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Institutional Economics, Theory and Decision, International Journal of Production Economics, Rationality and Society, International Journal of Game Theory, and History of Political Economy, among others. Marek has rich international experience. Before joining VŠE, he worked at the International Business School Suzhou at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in China. He also held visiting positions at several renowned institutions in China, Italy, Germany, and USA. Marek has a Certificate in Professional Studies in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK. Throughout his career, he has received several teaching and research awards. Marek has been in academia since 2011.

Between 2012 and 2013, Marek worked for the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic in the EU Economic Policy Coordination Unit. He also has international experience with teaching in executive education programs.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Aleš is an Associate professor at the Department of Strategy at Prague University of Economics and Business. He is a founding member of the Center for Family Businesses and a member of the Internal grant board at the Faculty of Business Administration. His teaching areas include family business governance, strategy, and research methods. In his research, he primarily focuses on family firms and corporate governance.

Aleš is a member of the Family Firm Institute and holds an Advanced Certificate in Family Business Advising (ACFBA).

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Corporate Governance

Dušan is an experienced manager and lecturer. After his managerial practice in international companies, he works last years as a lecturer and head of Centre for Business Ethics. As chair of ethical committees of two scientific institutions, he focuses on ethical dilemmas on workplace and treatment of personal crises of managers. He worked ten years as a coordinator of an international MBA program and offers seminars and coaching for young managers in selected companies. His last published studies are about managerial spirituality, ethical challenges of Artificial Intelligence and conflicts between words and pictures in marketing.

He has worked in the field for 7 years. After his activity as an editor in a publishing house, he worked as a manager 15 years (IBS expert, ŠKODA Auto, NGO/PasserinvestGroup). He was a coordinator of HR development and executive education. Today he is an active member of the steering committee of UN PRME for Central and East Europe.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Business Ethics

Šárka specializes in examining the significance of the institutional environment in economics, with a particular emphasis on the role and importance of lobbying. Her research delves into lobbying rules from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives. Notably, she has co-authored a proposal for a new methodology to assess the transparency of the lobbying environment. Currently, her work centers on the framework and potential of responsible corporate lobbying as a form of policy advocacy that aligns with the social and environmental sustainability goals of businesses.

Due to her systematic work and deep knowledge of the subject, Šárka collaborates periodically with Transparency International. She was invited as an expert to participate in the “Best Practices for Oversight of Lobbying Activities” research project led by Québec Laval University in 2019. Additionally, she lectured at the International Lobbying Summer School in 2021, co-organized by The European Consortium for Political Research. She also presents her research profile and outputs on a website founded by Michele Crepaze of Queen’s University Belfast, a renowned expert in this field.

Šárka is a full professor of economics and has received several research awards, underscoring her contributions to the field.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:


A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Dr Martínez’s career covers process excellence in Lean Management and Organisational Design. The research in Lean Management explores the creation of a leanness measurement system (Lean Index) and its applicability. He also researches lean in the framework of Industry 4.0. The research in Organisational Design focuses on the Procedures to set up the organisational structure. His PhD presents more than 10 years of work on this topic. He is an Industrial Engineer (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá) and PhD in Management (Prague University of Economics and Business). He has worked in the field for 20 years, earning experience in Colombia, India and the Czech Republic.

Felipe has more than 20 years of experience working for several companies and institutions, having taught in Canada, Portugal and other countries. He constantly cooperates with firms on developing specific projects in process improvement and operations management, even going as far as to employ even virtual reality, for instance.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Supply Chain Management

Kateřina is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology. During her doctoral studies, she focused on the topic of followership, which is still the focus of her research. She teaches courses on leadership, sustainable leadership, and intercultural communication, in both Czech and English language. She also lectures at other Czech universities, including MBA courses. At VŠE, she is the guarantor of the course Organisational Behaviour in the summer school programme in collaboration with the University of Texas, Austin. As a lecturer and consultant, she has worked with various organizations, including the non-profit sector and volunteer groups (FAMU, Skautský institut, ČZU, ČZIF, and others). She is involved in various research grants and projects (ESF OPVVV I and II, NPO, TAČR, EIT Horizon Europe, and others), mostly focusing on the development of various competencies. She frequently serves as a visiting lecturer at foreign universities (University of Stockholm, University of Maribor, Kaunas University of Technology, ISCTE de Lisboa, and others).

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Sustainable Leadership

Vaclav is an Associate professor at the Department of Marketing at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He focuses on strategic marketing and digital marketing. He is author and co-author of various research papers and scientific monographs on consumer behaviour and online marketing. He has been engaged, as a researcher, on several research projects financed by grants from the Czech Science Foundation and other institutions.

Vaclav has over 20 years of experience in the field. He has worked as a business consultant; he has been, as well, a developer and lecturer of professional training courses in marketing in cooperation with a number of institutions and companies (e.g. Czech Trade, Century21). He has also cooperated on business and research projects with various companies (e.g. Seznam.cz, a leading Czech online portal). From 2012 to 2021, Vaclav was a member of the jury board of Internet Effectiveness Awards.

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Sustainable Marketing

Ladislav is an experienced lecturer, business consultant, and practitioner. He focuses on strategy and strategy related topics. Besides being the Academic Director of the BBA programme, he is also the academic director of the university’s flagship programme CEMS – Master in International Management, and Deputy Head of Department of Strategy. He is passionate about designing strategies and navigating companies in the wild water of future megatrends and uncertainties.

He has worked in the field for more than 11 years. He is also a recipient of the inaugural CEMS Philippe Louvet Innovation Award along with a grant of 20,000 Euros which enables the VSE to implement a new capstone course entitled “Lateral Collaboration in the Age of Exponential Change and Disruption”. With his colleague from the Department of Strategy, he has co-written two case studies published by Ivey Publishing; “Debito Technologies: Taking a debt management app abroad“ and “Behavio Labs: Scaling Survey Software into a Global Product.”

Course taught within Master in Sustainability Management:

Corporate and ESG Strategy