Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the master program tuition at the Prague University of Economics and Business?
The tuition fee per academic year amounts to 5,000 EUR for the students enrolling for the academic year 2024/2025.

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How to obtain a study visa to the Czech Republic?
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What is the length of a master’s study program at the Prague University of Economics and Business?
It is designed as a three-semester study programme.

Where is it possible to obtain study literature?
Textbooks and other printed materials could be obtained at the university bookstore at Rajska Building or at the university library located in Stara Budova in Zizkov. Some learning materials will be provided by teachers as part of their courses in electronic or paper form.

Is it possible to arrange accommodation in university dormitories?
Yes. However, room availability depends on each dormitory. See more…

What ID cards are used at the University of Economics and where is it possible to obtain these cards?
Identification cards are issued at ID cards office:

Leoš Havlíček
Office: 22 Sb
Telephone: 224 09 5831

Students have the option to ask for a student’s standard chip card, which is valid only for the University for 290, – CZK or a chip card with student license ISIC for 440,- CZK. See more…

Do I need nostrification/recognition of bachelor degree?
Yes. Students, who have not completed a bachelor degree in the Czech Republic or Slovakia shall provide the nostrification/recognition of their bachelor diploma.

Where is it possible to obtain nostrification/recognition of diploma?

The Prague University of Economics and Business as a higher education institution which was awarded institutional accreditation is, pursuant to Section 48 (4) to (6) of the Act on Higher Education Institutions, entitled not to require within the admission procedure a document on the general recognition of equivalence of education gained abroad and may itself, for the purposes of the admission procedure, assess whether the applicant’s education attained abroad meets the legal condition for admission to studies. For submitting the request go to:

Is the attendance at lessons obligatory?
Basically yes. Specific requirements for each course are shown in the annotation of each course.

Where can I get the confirmation of study?
Programme coordinator, RB 358.

How to apologize for an absence at lessons?
All of these questions are specified in Study and Examination Rules.

How much reserve credits do I have?
To finish this master program it is necessary to obtain 100 credits (control points). Each student gets in addition 20 credit vouchers for an unsuccessful examination of any course. For more details, see Study and Examination Rules.

What is the minimum number of credits per session?
According to the Study and Examination Rules, each student should acquire by the end of the semester the number of credits which equals the sequence of the semester multiplied 20 times. For example, by the end of the second semester, the student must obtain at least 2 * 20 credits. Not meeting this condition leads to exclusion from the program.

Is there a scholarship provided according to the results achieved?
Yes, under certain conditions beginning from the third semester according to Study and Examination Rules.

Is it possible to move between master study programs provided by the faculty of Business administration or other Faculties at the Prague University of Economics and Business?
To change for a Czech study program or programs provided by other faculties, passing new entrance exams is required.