Study Abroad

Master in Sustainability Management students can spend a semester abroad at one of 250 partner schools.  During the exchange, we recommend studying mainly electives that fit the graduate profile.

Erasmus/Study Abroad

Please take note that all the relevant information is to be found on the pages of the International Office, which is in charge of organizing the travels, under the tab Going on Exchange.

Should you find you still need more information on any of the matters regarding your study abroad, it is highly suggested you join one of the regular online consulting hours in MS Teams that take place every Wednesday 10:00-10:30 and ask one of the coordinators.

You can find them under the section International Office Events.

Online Learning Agreement (OLA) – before mobility

As it is a common occurrence that students fill in their OLA wrongly, we suggest you do take the time and peruse the walk-through OLA manual in order to avoid hiccups and mistakes that often result in complicated time-consuming ways to seek solutions.

Issues we ask you to pay special attention to:

• Both parts of the study programme, i.e. tables A and B, must be filled in (very often, table B is not filled in at all).
• The number of credits in both tables must correspond (very often there is a discrepancy in the number of credits btw. home/host school).
• We highly suggest you focus on taking classes that will be recognized as electives without any complications like unnecessary paperwork and time involved etc. (recognition of mandatory courses is subject to strict rules and approval from the course supervisor).