Enroll in new elective courses
Winter semester 2024/25 starts on September 16, 2024. On the same day the new study programme Master in Sustainability Management will be launched.
The Master’s in Sustainability Management aims to prepare university-educated professionals for roles in middle and upper management, specifically for positions such as Chief Sustainability Officer, CSR Manager, and Sustainability Manager, equipping them to navigate and lead sustainability initiatives within the corporate sphere.
Our new students can enroll in elective courses in addition to those offered in the 1st semester.
Elective courses:
33F425 Introduction to ESG – block seminar
19 September (9,15 a.m. – 7,30 p.m.)
20 September (9,15 a.m. – 7,30 p.m.)
11 October (9,15 a.m. – 5,45 p.m.)
3SG545 Carbon footprint strategy and management
3SG847 Green and sustainable ecosystems
To register for the elective courses please contact Ms. Boučková at petra.bouckova@vse.cz.
Applications for the Academic Year 2024/25 are open until September 13, 2024.
Find more information on How to Apply.
We look forward to welcoming our new students!